Jul 04, 2005 20:57
if u are bored put something like this to everyone on ure list
as you know, live8 was performed all over the world. please put a 3 at the begining of your display name to show respect for the the children who die every 3 seconds in africa, please send this message to everyone who is on
you get replies like "how will this help the childeren"
or yeah im sure these dieing kids are checking msn SN's lol
Jickle doesn't even have a very good screename says:
I don't really see how adding a 3 to the start of my SN is showing respect for children dying
nice work jickle
3 used to b my fav number so thats prob why i was like wikid my old fav number boy we had good times together lol like out of the 19 pps on msn at the moment only like 2 or 3 have put it up gold