Feb 16, 2005 19:41

>< I hate programming. Stupid C project is a pain. I've got it all done except for two functions: void reversestr(char *str) and void datafill(int *list, const int n). I almost wasn't gonna work on it today, or was gonna hop on FFXI for abit before hand, but then I though of what my ponpon told me and I just started it right when I got home. Also I have found out some stuff about my graduation. I need something like 125 credits to graduate, I have 89 credits (101 if you cound this semester). Now so far I need 6 classes to finish my major with 2 internships. But I also found out I need one more english class also. Now for me to graduate by the end of the fall semester I need to somehow do all those classes. My solutions so far is take the only 2 classes I can for the summer I semester, try to get the internship somewhere special (hehe thanks pon ^^) then in the fall take the english class, 4 last classes for my major. Now the last thing I would need is another internship BUT i found out today that instead of the senior internship I could take the independent study and use it to get my A+ certification. If I can do the A+ cert instead of the internship I think I can graduate by the end of the fall. It's a huge workload for me but I have a goal and someone who I really want to be with so the sooner I can finish the better and I'm gonna work for it.

I love you, Mai, so much and you are my motivation. Thank you ^^
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