Aahh I need help!!

Jun 17, 2015 15:55

I got to the last two chapters of Fate is a Four Letter Word by Philo on hpfandom and the site's not responding. I hope it's not permanent yet, I have a lot of bookmarks to download. Anyway, I HAVE to know how Fate is a Four Letter Word ends. Does anybody have an alternate link or a downloaded copy they're willing to share? Please email it to starinshadows@gmail.com if you do. Thanks!

other pairing: harry/shacklebolt, shop owner!harry, polyjuice, author: philo, successful!harry!snape, attractive!harry!severus, completed fics, postwar, political, other pairing: severus/shacklebolt, plotty fic, long fics, novel-length fics, other character: lucius, romance

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