Feb 08, 2013 09:53
I have a little unusual request. Do you perhaps know of any really good snarry fics or severitus or mentor, preferably long and completed, which have been translated into German? (it would be great if the translation was competed, otherwise it doesnt have much sense) See, I am trying to make some parallel texts to further my language studies and reading comprehension. I thought that reading fics would be real awesome and interesting instead of usually boring and not very well done comercial bilingual books, mostly classics at that.
The only requirement for the snarry fics I have is bottom!Harry, I really can't stomach Severus bottoming.
PS. If anyone should be interested in any parallel texts I am making, I will post an offer of sharing as soon as I have at least a few fics done.
PS2. I am now working on "Parallel Lines" by Eriador117. I have also seen the translation of "Broken Mind, Fractured Soul" by Sensibly Tainted and will probably work on this one after I finish with the first.
long fics,
completed fics,