May 31, 2010 02:46
Hey everyone, I am looking for Snarry that has Harry a cross-dresser or pre-op transgender. I don't want him a full girl but breast are fine. mostly just Harry in a dress. any help is good.
I am also looking for two stories, chocolate and dark chocolate i think they are called. they go together. in the first one Severus is made Harry's mentor or something and Harry falls for the potion's master, but the Slytherins use it as a way to make fun of harry.
in the second one Harry is found in frace making clocks and when the ORder of the Pheonix brings him back to England Harry finds out that it was suppose to be a way to keep Voldemort from getting power over Harry or taking Harry's power something like that. Harry of course was very made about it. but eventually forgives his frineds.
Thanks all