May 23, 2009 11:30
1)I've just finished reading Learning by Spark of Chaos, wherin Harry is trained by Snape to withstand torture etc. and although very angsty in places, it does have a happy ending. So are there any other fics with a similar theme where Snape has to do all these horrible things to Harry in order to help him cope if he does in fact get captured by DEs? Snape/Harry romance or a mentor/general fic preferred (I don't want either of them to be with a girl, LOL!) Bonus if Harry comes to like the physical pain in an erotic way, but only with Snape ;)
2) A fic where Snape becomes Harry's guardian or adopted father when Harry is a child, but when he grows up Harry falls in love with him but Snape is all noble, we can't, it's wrong etc. etc., but they eventually get together anyway. Angst is fine as long as it has a happy ending (no Snape or Harry dying.) Something like my fic Serpent Child or The Devil Will Drag you Under by Dementor Delta, I haven't seen any others, or maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place :)
3) Any post DH fic where Ginny was discovered to have been dosing Harry with Amortentia Potion and they get a messy divorce etc. Either Snape is the one who discovers it, or they get together afterwards in a hurt/comfort way when Ginny tries to stop Harry seeing the children or things like that.
hogwarts era,
angry/pissed off harry/severus,
hand to hand combat