new fics??

Mar 19, 2009 20:46

Okay I'm looking for new fics - not necessarily NEW, but not ones that are posted in response to "good fic" searches - ie. Apple Tree by Philo or Bittersweet Potion Series and the Tea series

I need new fics to read - Snarry/Severitus anything is fine really as long as it isn't a fic that everyone in the whole fandom has heard of.


- I'm fine with most fics 
- Abuse is fine, but not if it's a huge factor in the fic - i.e. Snape can rescue Harry, but Harry shouldn't be psychology disturbed by the abuse - that may seem a bit unrealistic but hell who cares about realism?
- Creature fics are good
- Dumbles-bashing/Herm-Ron bashing is all fine (evil!Dub,Ron,Herm = good -- as long as they aren't the main obstacle in the plot -  i.e. it can't be about Ron making trouble)
- Music Fics are Great! (but please have it not be Green Day or something obvious like that - for me, it takes away from the illusion and
  the fantasy aspects of the story.
- bottom!Harry please :D
- post-war/post-hogwarts is usually better - it's no fun when Voldie is still alive and kicking.
- AU fics are good = Slytherin!Harry etc.. As long as the story doesn't make the characters unbelievably OC
- song!fics are pretty sweet too, as long as the music isn't ridiculouly obvious
- please no BDSM or cross-dressing
- please no fics that the whole fandom knows - because, you know - i would have read them too
- no Virgin fics - first-time stories are usually really cliche
- really short WIPs
- abusive!sev or abusive!harry

I know i'm being a bit specific but i don't really want to get fics i won't like...It'd waste everyone's time.

Please + Thankyou!

best friends, creature!severus, bottom!harry, bonding, attractive!harry!severus, completed fics, creature!harry, post!voldemort, slytherin!harry, independent!harry, time travel, post-hogwarts, seductive!harry, romance, animagus, soul mates, powerful!harry, recommendations, winged!harry, postwar, mpreg, alternate reality, veela, non-virgin!harry, happy ending, intelligent!harry, courtship ritual, novel-length fics, seductive!snape

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