Title: Home
koshweasleyRating: NC-17
Word Count: 1o0
Warnings: Character Death, Slash
Challenge: Home
Dislaimer: I do not own these characters, and I am makeing no money from this fic. Just for fun.
Thanks to:
evilauntiesnape for looking this over for me.
knightmare_shad, who inspired me with this one. ( In a good way that is )
Home is Hogwarts.
Home is with Ron and Hermione.
Home is his red cushy couch by the fire and his four-poster in Gryffindor Tower.
Home is tea with Hagrid and lemon drops with Dumbledore.
Home…home is even Professor Binns’ painfully dull class.
Home is the smell of sweaty Quidditch gear, his firebolt, earthy skrewts, singed feathers and kidney pie.
Home is where he met the love of his life. Where he kissed him for the first time, and where they made love on that desk.
Home is where he stands, somberly every night at his lover’s grave.
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