Title: By The Book
alisanneWord Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: #21 Their Courtship
Warning(s): None.
A/N: I wrote another, I just hope this one makes sense... LOL. Thanks to
sevfan who looked it over for me. :)
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
“Accio book!”
Hermione jumped as her book sailed towards Snape.
“Tsk, Miss Granger. Interesting, but not suitable. I’ll take that.”
She fumed as he swept away, confiscating it.
At Harry and Severus’ wedding years later, Hermione recalled the incident. She never had retrieved that book.
She caught Severus and Harry in their receiving line.
“Yes. Fascinating book,” he murmured when she mentioned it. “Proved quite useful.”
“You read it?”
He nodded, casting a smouldering glance towards Harry.
Hermione sighed, mentally smacking herself. Of course, with a title like, ‘How To Seduce A Gryffindor,’ how could he not have read it?