Title: It was Mr. White in the Library with the Candlesticks
Author: Medawyn
Rating: G
Challenge: #18: In Their Spare Time
There was a whole row of them on the bookshelf, their cheap paper covers peeling and creased. During the war Severus had no time to add to or enjoy his collection, but now he could indulge himself.
It drove Harry crazy when Severus began a new book, because he would not put it down until the mystery was solved. He would mutter and occasionally exclaim over the detectives misadventures while the candles burned down to stubs around him.
Harry tried reading some of Severus’ Muggle mystery novels, but he only lasted a few hours. He left Severus to his reading.
Title: Seventeen Down
Author: Medawyn
Rating: G
Challenge: #18: In Their Spare Time
If you left the crossword in the Prophet alone too long, the letters rearranged themselves sending you back to the beginning. Harry allowed the papers to pile up until he had a break from work to sit down and solve the puzzles.
Then Severus would prepare for several hours of annoyance as Harry asked questions aloud and then snapped when they were answered. Harry liked to do things by himself.
But the triumph in his expression when he completed a puzzle - with agonizing slowness in Severus’ estimation - was endearingly similar to his expression leaving the confused battlefield 10 years ago.
Title: Sharing Passions
Author: Medawyn
Rating: PG
Challenge: #18: In Their Spare Time
No one would have guessed that Severus Snape - who still stalked the halls of Hogwarts bat-like - enjoyed going to Quidditch matches. It took Harry nearly two years to be convinced that Severus was not merely humoring him.
Severus liked flying himself; he had enjoyed playing Quidditch in his own school days. Watching Quidditch reminded him of one of the few untainted things he enjoyed. Besides, watching Quidditch players came with its own benefits.
Perhaps the best moments in the Snape-Potter household followed chilly winter Quidditch matches, when both men explored new ways to warm up frosty fingers and wind-chilled bodies.