Title: New Isn’t Always Improved - Part One
Author: Accioslash
Rating(s): G
Challenge #15 - Trying Something New
Word Count: 100
Harry fed the barn owl bits of bacon from his now cold breakfast. Flowers this time. He looked around the room. There was a box of Honeyduke’s best chocolates, a singing owl-gram that he finally had to charm silent, and a discreetly packaged set of Gryffindor red silk boxers. The model on the box winked at him suggestively.
He sighed and popped a chocolate in his mouth. It was dark and bitter and sinfully smooth. His favorite.
Mind made up, he threw a handful of powder into the fireplace and pronounced his destination before entering the green flames. “Hogwarts dungeons.”
Title: New Isn’t Always Improved - Part Two
Author: Accioslash
Rating(s): G
Challenge #15 - Trying Something New
Word Count: 100
“You’ve been talking to Hermione haven’t you?”
“I thought perhaps it was time I try something new.”
“I don’t want flowers and poems about undying love. Though the boxers were nice. I fell in love with you - greasy, mean, sarcastic and utterly sexy you. Not someone else’s idea of the perfect lover.”
Snape looked intently, but easily read the sincerity in Harry’s eyes. No need for Legilimency this time.
“In that case Mr Potter, you owe me 87 galleons.”
“Would you settle for a kiss?”
“It would have to be an extraordinary kiss to merit that value.”
“It will be.”