I'm going to stop crossposting to LiveJournal.

Jan 18, 2013 12:29

Due to aggregate aggravation building over the course of a number of years, rather than any specific reason or incident. I'm still going to read my Flist over there, given that DW doesn't support reading secure RSS, so I'd miss some access-locked posts if I just turned everyone I read over there into a feed.

I'm sure the answer to this is going to be "no", but: Does there exist some kind of script that would go through my LiveJournal entries, match them up to my Dreamwidth ones, and just replace the text of the LiveJournal post with a link to the DW one?

I don't really want to leave my content up over there, but I'd feel like I was contributing to the entropy of the universe, in the form of linkrot, if I just deleted everything. I don't want to give QB any more rationalization for its behavior.

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t: madoka magica, akicwdw-lj, personal

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