Let no dwarf deny that Udib Nanirthikut loves her dog.

Aug 10, 2012 20:47

Engraved on the wall is an exceptionally designed image of Sakrirbus the kobold and Wiretaxes the dog by Udib Nanirthikut. Sakrirbus is making a plaintive gesture. Wiretaxes is striking a menacing pose. The artwork relates to the mortal wounding of the kobold Sakrirbus by the dog Wiretaxes in Futurepaddled in the midsummer of 255 during The Second Attempted Theft at Futurepaddled.

Most of the other engravings are of minotaurs killing humans.

(For those not fluent in Dwarf Fortressik:

* Futurepaddled is the name of the fortress.

* Udib Nanirthikut is the name of a dwarf. She's an engraver.

* I told Udib to engrave the walls.

* The fortress has war dogs patrolling its entrance.

* At least two kobolds have come and tried to rob the stockpiles since I established the fortress. One of the dogs killed Sakrirbus, the second one.

* The dwarves gave the dog a name in recognition of its kill. For some reason, that name was "Wiretaxes?"

* Udib was so proud that she actually took a break from engraving dead humans on everything for long enough to make a picture of the dog.

Wiretaxes (and all the other dogs) actually nearly got killed by a minotaur a little before Udib made this, but I don't think she realized it at the time.)

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