Things Done Recently

Oct 14, 2010 19:44

* Got a tiny piece of metal embedded in my fingertip. Still am not sure how.

* Passed Leapforce Google search evaluator test.

* Baked a chocolate cake in a rice cooker.

* Had several gallons of blood drawn, leaving an impressive bruise on my arm.

* Hit the half-way point on my Imuri volume 1 translation.

* Hit the only-a-hundred-kanji-left-to-go mark on Remembering the Kanji.

* Moved out.

* Spent three days in a the sort of motel where stoned people yell outside until two AM. (Actually spent much of that time in a Whole Foods cafe, using the wifi.)

* Promptly stopped working on Imuri, RtK, and Leapforce, due to Anxiety.

* Set up complex anti-burglar measures in place in the motel:

  1. Left the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door.

  2. Left the lights on.

  3. Put the laptop in a bag, then left some dirty underwear sticking out of the bag.

  4. Put all the bags in a state of disarray, along with a chair, in the back of the room, where you would have to navigate two obstacles - the bed and the chair - to reach them. The obstacles are easily-avoided, but the idea is that doing so will make burglars feel pressed for time.

  5. On the nightstand right by the door, left a pile of bills, with a note on top saying, "Jane, I should be back forty-five minutes, but if I'm late, here's the money for the car stuff." The idea is to pressure the burglar into grabbing the cash and leaving the important stuff alone. The note suggests that either Jane or the author of the note could be back at any time. Forty-five minutes just seems like a very wishy-washy amount of time to specify to me - like the author could either be an hour late or fifteen minutes early. And then there's "car stuff." Who even knows what that means?! Car stuff could take fifteen minutes or four hours! And he/she didn't give an exact time, either. This person is clearly not dependable enough to burgle.

* In Minecraft, built a magnificent glass palace, which was then blown up by Creepers twice. Shouldn't have put it in the side of a cliff without fortifying the clifftop first. Have rectified the situation.

* Read three books over those three days, started to write posts about them before bed, fell asleep leaving said posts unfinished on desktop, where they remain.

* Saw Mo for the first time in a year. This time we ate what Rahm Emanuel eats instead of what sumo wrestlers eat.

* Failed to exchange pile of 20000 yen I've been carrying around since last year. (It actually comprised the pile of bills I left by the door for burglars.)

* On the fourth day, took the LSAT. Took it on standby at a different site than I'd planned (Georgetown rather than Baltimore) for reasons relating to the blood thing. This confused the proctors, who were unused to such things, but was not a problem.

* Moved in.

* Instructed a newbie lawyer on how to do a law thing. This mainly involved cutting and pasting from a template. It was not a complicated law thing.

* Used a Fujitsu Scansnap S510 for work; coveted it.

* Have eaten more meat in the five days I've been in Kentucky than I did in weeks in DC.

* Sold a short article over one of those SEO content farms. This is the first time anyone has ever paid me for something I've written; my first sale was, therefore, probably to a spammer.

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