Strategic Relocation--North American Guide to Safe Places

Feb 17, 2008 09:36

A very tough subject for most people to think about let alone to talk about. You must be ready to survive in whatever geographic location that you live in and /or Calamity that you “MAY” be faced with. If you don’t have a “bunker”, you must at least have a plan that you are to follow. Am I crazy, or are you out of touch?

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THE TOP 10 MOST DANGEROUS NUCLEAR TARGETS IN OR NEAR A METRO AREA (there are several other primary targets not listed that are not near a major metro)
1. Washington DC /and related bases (major command and control for the President)
2. Colorado Springs, CO (Cheyenne Mtn Control Center, 2 space command/comm bases)
3. Omaha, NE (secondary command and control bases)
4. Seattle, WA (Trident Missile Sub base and numerous Naval Bases)
5. Jacksonville FL/Kings Bay GA (Trident Missile Sub base, Major East Coast Naval Center)
6. San Diego, CA (largest west coast naval complex)
7. Norfolk, VA (major east coast naval complex)
8. Kansas City, MO (Whiteman AFB, B-2 nuclear bombers)
9. Cheyenne, WY (Warren AFB, Minute Man and Peacekeeper MX missiles)
10. Great Falls, MT (Malmstrom AFB --Minute Man missiles)

Now for some good news: Here are my current ratings for the TOP 10 MODERATE GROWTH, MEDIUM SIZED METRO AREAS that are relatively safe from strategic threats, or where you have a good chance of mitigating those threats. This are not the best areas, but the areas where most people who need to stay in the job markets will find medium term security:
1. Boise, ID
2. Provo-Orem, UT
3. Beaverton, OR
4. Santa Rosa, CA
5. Greenville, SC
6. Winston-Salem/High Point, NC
7. Austin-San Marcos, TX
8. Grand Rapids, MI
9. Reno, NV
10. Madison, WI

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