Convenience Stores

Apr 13, 2012 08:35

A conversation with a friend about Circle K brought this to mind...

Growing up in Phoenix, the convenience stores were all Circle K, 7-11, and AM-PM. I liked Circle K, because there was one down the street from my house and also my school.

When I moved to Colorado, there was no Circle K to be found. There was no AM-PM, either. I don't remember 7-11, but I was drunk 75% of the time, so I don't think I'd notice if there was. Down the street from my apartment, next to the liquor store, was the Loaf & Jug. I'd never been fond of that name, and something about it always bothered me. I'd never been able to pinpoint exactly what bothered me about the name until this morning.

I have figured out why the Loaf & Jug bothered me...
It's a Cleavland Steamer.

i'm going to hell, wtf

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