nextgendarkfest is almost over, sadly! Posting will end within the next couple days, and the submissions have all been just outstanding. As is usual with a longer fest, commenting is getting sparser on some of the longer pieces (and some of the short ones too), so if you are looking for some awesome stuff to read, head on over.
Here are some more recs from the past few weeks (heed the warnings, as always!):
Revenge's Masquerade - Snape/Rose, NC17, NSFW
A gorgeous depiction of how twisted Snape's revenge can be. It's got chan, so don't look if that's not your thing. The artist's use of expression and color is just gorgeous. Love this!
Fire & Ice - Harry/Scorpius/Albus, R, NSFW
Love this pose sofa king much. *_* Just the idea of Scorpius between two Potters gets me off like nobody's business. The artist does a great job with the emotion of the prompt and Scorpius' pain is tangible in such a great way. Just...YUM.
My Father's Dog - Sirius/Lily, R, NSFW
O.M.F.G. This is such a rare pair but SO worth broadening your horizons. It's absolutely haunting, the way this artist shades and spreads the scenes. It's almost like you're stuck in Lily's nightmare with her. I can't sing this art's praises enough. Dark in a way that will leave you haunted for days.
I Am Your Everything - gen for the most part, NC17 (for violence only), 10k
..............SUCH A GREAT FIC OMFG!!! This was one of those prompts that gave me chills, and the story is no different. Centered around the disappearance of Louis, Albus and Rose set out to find the kidnapper or murderer and discover the horrible truth of what happened. It's just an amazing story with an end you will never see coming and then kick yourself over because you should have. Beautifully written with fantastic dialog and character development. The next gen kids are just incredibly flushed out and real. Guh. Love this story.
Mourn Those Left Behind - Al/Scorpius, Al/James, implied Al/Harry, R, ~5k
This story kills me. I'm a huge huge fan of Pottercest, especially when it is dark and messy and twisted, and this story is just that. A really great backstory surrounds this sexy fic, which centres around Harry's death and how his sons come to terms with their past.
Your Legacy - Harry/Scorpius, Draco-centric, R, ~1k
This fic was donated to the community, and fuck am I glad for it! One of the best of this fest, said in so few words. Honestly, even if you are not a fan of Harry/Scorpius, you could read this and you'd probably adore it. Draco's characterisation is so believable and sad and haunted, just how I love him. D: The synopsis of He is yours and you will do anything for him, your Scorpius. says it all.
Go read, view, comment, and love!! More recs to come. <3