Title: Weakness
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 100
Summary: Scorpius sees Harry's weakness.
Notes: 3rd part in my Harry/Scorp arc written for
Part I: First DayPart II: Dangerous Scorpius was unprepared for the assault of dark memories.
A boy sat alone under cobwebs, a dish of second-hand breadcrumbs at his feet.
Harry brandished his wand. A red gash spread across a pale boy's chest.
Severus Snape lay dead at Harry's feet. "Look at me," he croaked and said no more.
A white casket, a Phoenix's song, the pale array of ghosts.
Voldemort towered over Harry, venom on the skin he called lips.
Whipped from the Pensieve, Scorpius barely contained the need to wretch.
"Those," Harry said, "Are my weakest memories. Now that you know, I must see yours."
Read the next chapter,
The Lesson