Haha, hey everyone, Misfit here! At this year's AWA, so many months ago, I had the great honor of being able to cosplay Hetalia World Police with three of my best friends, and have a photoshoot with another of those friends. I hope you enjoy these pictures at least a fraction as much as I had making them! Now, if you'll excuse me, for at least another few moments, while I return to character...
Bonjour! Bonjour et bienvenue; I, Francis Bonnefoy, only the most attractive man to ever exist, will be your lovely tour guide through a series of harrowing and flattering [but when am I ever less than perfect, non?] pictures of four members of the World Police in action!
I know you really only care about me, of course, but I have included the others--Italie, Angleterre, and Espagne--because, through comparison, they only make me look more amazing. Which seems impossible, I know, but you will have to see, won't you?
We're brushin' up on lookin' down--appearance is everything, after all! The light in the background makes it seem like aliens are invading. Paint it white, anyone?
First, me, because, like gold chains, I, too, shine in the light. I sparkle better than Edward any day, non?
No, Italie, that isn't pasta, please don't eat it. Your hat looks quite dapper, though.
...Angleterre. >:I
Despite what others may say, no, this shot did not take a ridiculously long time simply because I was looking at my reflection. That is a blatant lie, obviously. Unfortunately, though, as is wont to happen whenever l'Angleterre shows his eyebrows, some difficulty quickly occurred--and we were off!
We had to find cover--
And once we found it, defend it. We found it, sure enough, and it might not have been a beach, but we certainly fought on it.
Espagne, your red tomato is a target hazard. It's amazing you've survived so long--amazing it's survived so long! Luckily, after that amazing show of bravery, we had a chance to sit down and enjoy the sunlight, if not the company (coughAngleterrecough)
And also a bit of thinking! For those of us who are capable, that is~
...And then it all went pear-shaped. I was wounded in action, terribly, brutally hurt saving small orphans from a burning building (and not something silly like being caught off guard by a stray shot to the side, in broad daylight, merde) and l'Angleterre...well. Obviously only trying to show off.
But never let it be said I'm not grateful! I, of course, tried to repay him his kindness...
Only to be horribly spurned!
...And then, oh, mortifying of all mortifying things, I should not even be posting this but it is better than being blackmailed--
I was saved by Italy. Italy!
And he settled on handcuffs instead of violence, which was perfectly okay with me, oh hon hon~
And then not so okay with me.
However, of course I am able to escape from handcuffs with ease after long years of practice, and the tables were quickly turned! [And it was not at all because, I, too have handcuff keys, Angleterre. Remiss of him to forget that bit nonetheless.]
And it was my turn to return the favor.
However, let it be remembered across the land, across the dark underground and the shadows of the streets, that though we are the greatest of enemies, we are also the greatest of allies.
Now, our adventure draws to a close, but considering the fact that we did, indeed, have pistols, I believe a reference of this sort was absolutely necessary, and it even had its own entirely natural lens flare:
[BONUS FEATURE, because we are way too silly to ever end something with simply stern faces and lens flare, no matter how not-photoshopped:]
Hope you all enjoyed! We certainly had a blast :D
Comments and critiques and hilarity are loved and cherished like little ducklings, as opposed to chocolate truffles, because it would be difficult to eat electronic comments.
De tout mon coeur (aw, snap, gotta get out of the French before it becomes a terrible habit like my terrible accent),