I'm pretty sure I've done this one before, but what the heck, it's fun.
The "Be Pete Wentz " Poetry Meme
1. Put your music player of choice on shuffle.
2. The first lines of twenty songs = a poem; the first line of the twenty-first song is the title.
If you want to guess the songs, feel free! I'll write you a drabble for a prompt of your choosing for each one you get right.
Saw You Standin' in the Street in a Hat Made Out of Skin
Play me a classic
all those wasted hours we used to know
faceless fall from this life and oh
Oh, little did she know couldn't let me go
Do the bad thing
every single night
I can't explain a thing
Oh, but the longing is terrible
I am an arms dealer
I died so many years ago
Wake from your sleep
O come O come Emmanuel
I backed my car into a cop car the other day
Istanbul was Constantinople
Well, I could sleep forever
Oh, baby, here comes the sound
Well I'm just not making the scene
I found the cure to growing older
Rip the earth in two with your mind
The DA is dressed to the nines.