I have . . . so many books.
I've gotten rid of A LOT of them over the last year or so, since we've been planning this move (at least in the abstract) ever since Chad and I got serious. But I've been packing them up in preparation of getting rid of a few bookshelves, and dude. So many left! So many left that I WANT TO KEEP.
I have resolved to take just one box of books with us when we move -- we're trying to fit everything in a largish minivan, so that we don't have to rent a U-haul. One box of my very favorite, "I'll read these within a month or two of moving", "I've gotta have these" books. All the rest of the books that I can't bear to part with . . . will sit, in boxes, at my parents' house, until I send for them.
My folks agreed to hold on to them, and ship them out a box or two at a time -- media mail is pretty cheap, comparatively. I figure, a box a month after we're settled. If the first apartment is short term, at least the next move will be within the same state. Moving books will be simpler then.
When I discussed this with my parents, I expected to leave them 7 or 8 boxes. I've packed 6 so far, and there will probably be at least another 6. I'm getting to the point where I have to tell myself -- "you don't need to bring ALL your CJ Cherryh books. Just bring a few! you'll get the rest back soon enough! Don't bring the Jim Butcher books! You probably won't reread those AT LEAST until summer (but they're SIGNED my bookbrain wails). Put the Patricia A McKillip DOWN. ALL THE MANGA CAN WAIT. THAT CALVIN & HOBBES SET IS TOO BIG. And I just. *cries*
Choosing one box's worth may be an impossible task.
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