So I've been sort of rereading a bunch of Harry Potter fics. And I downloaded the UK versions of the books for my Nook (I have copies of all the US editions, in either hard cover or paperback, but these are BRITISH :D so that's useful -- Dudley's new word is "Shan't!" *charmed*). And watching Harry Potter fanvids. And a couple of the movies. Because that's what one does when one should be writing fic in three completely not-Harry Potter-related fandoms! :DDD
As a consequence of this, I went ahead and joined Pottermore, just so I could get a wand and be sorted and stuff. Apparently I am in Slytherin? I do not think I am ambitious enough to be there, but okay. I like green. My user name is ScarletFlame16554 if any of y'all are messing around over there.
And here is SlytherinPony me! (created in
this nifty thing)
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