Jul 22, 2011 16:01
I have about. . . (checks Honolulu time) 13 hours to finish up my BBB rough draft enough to send in. I'm maybe half way done, and the plot is stuck in flashback land, and I think I'm going to have to change the point of view if I want to get anywhere near the ending. I mean, I've already been trading off between two character view points, but I think I might need to start using the other two, too. Also. In addtion to. I hate to do that, but maybe I can keep it structured enough not to be jarring. . .
EDIT: No. You know what, I'm not gonna do. It's 8 thousand words in, I am not going to introduce a new POV. I will consider it a challenge! *rolls up sleeves*
Furthermore, I feel like crap, and it's 101 degrees outside, so I'm not about to go for a walk to clear my head. No.
And if Pandora pops up with that same Target commercial one more time I might hit something.
In other words, Arrgh.
big bang