On Second Thought

Dec 31, 2010 11:17

“Yes you are, Carter.” Stark sounded amused and exasperated at the same time.

“No, I’m not Stark, I don’t see why I have to be the Santa” Jack insisted throwing back the sack containing the Santa suit back at Stark.

“You know holiday cheer and all that woohaa” said Stark idly, flinging the sack back at Jack. “You’re the town sheriff, last year Cobb did it.”

“Cobb is three times my size” said Carter almost growling, catching the sack before it smacked him in the face.

“Oh come on sheriff we are living in tomorrow, size doesn’t matter” Stark said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Carter blushed trying not to let his mind go there…”I’m not doing it” he stated firmly.

“You’re not doing what?” asked Stark teasingly, enjoying the effect his words were having on a flustered sheriff. “Look Carter, you can be Santa or you can be Rudolph and I’ve got the bells ready if you choose the latter…”

“I’m the one with the gun Stark, it ain’t happening” Carter declared though at the word bells his mind was betraying him.

“Think of all the happy kids” pressed Stark, a smile tugging at his lips.

“This is Eureka I’m pretty sure they know Santa doesn’t exist” Jack assured him, rolling his eyes slightly.

“Ok Jack, you do this, and I’ll take the parental control off ESPN at home “ Nathan threw out, lowering his voice slightly so the rest of Café Diem did not hear.

“And I can eat oreos in bed?” Carter bartered dropping his voice as well.

Stark sighed, “You can eat in bed,” then with his mischievous glint back in place he added “Although I can think of so many more interesting things to do in our bed besides watching grown men throw around a ball …”

Silence… “Make sure and take those bells home tonight” Carter added, picking up the sack with a sigh and moving towards the door.

“Had that thought already” Stark cheerfully replied to Carters retreating form, his Cheshire Cat grin firmly in place.

drabble, humor, author: snarkyandsparky, slash, rating: r, jack/nathan

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