Piper was home now. It was good to be home and not in the
crazy world Zankou created in her head.
He could have gotten her to relinquish her powers and those of her sisters. Instead, he just gave her more to think about. Sometimes being a witch wasn't easy, but it was who she was and she was okay with that. Besides, she had a little sister who needed some guidance. She may not ever have
the traditional family she'd always wanted, but she had
Savannah. Piper was her mom now. Savannah had even said so. Oh, and perhaps she wasn't quite over
someone like she thought she was.
Though she was still tired and recovering, it didn't stop her from spending time in the kitchen baking. She had
a lot of people to thank for rescuing her yesterday. Baking was her way of expressing appreciation.
Tomorrow, she'd deal with the restaurant.