It is a necessary exercise, to take the bare-bones of an ancient and fading belief, and attempt to reconstruct a personal belief one can live with
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I know of no other priests. Then that makes you as twisted as Walter in willing to sell us out to save your skin. Why not just kill us then all ready. It is blood what she wants. I see how it all connects. I have been been the victim far to long.
Claudia used me. This place messed with my head big time. I gave birth to something inhuman and not very raven like. Tired of being the pawn, tired of working in the dark. I put things together from the others. Plus from Lauryn as well, we are meant to be here. So many things are similar to what is going on.
Walter at least killed who was to be damned first. I think that makes him more humane.
Sorry my temper flared up. I know you're scared. You're not a monster it is the place. I misjudged what you said. I'm losing hope. I am probably not the only one but I am saying it. I'm not sure how many others feel the same way.
The place feeds on our negative emotions and I am not strong enough to fight it. What are we supposed to do? I don't want to become a monster. Yet I allready am twisted.
Comments 4
If I could walk out of this play I'd do it in a heartbeat.
In the face of Her anger, trust me, I'd sell out each and every one of you if it meant I got to walk away from this alive.
I'm not your man. Not for this task. Maybe not for any task.
Claudia used me. This place messed with my head big time. I gave birth to something inhuman and not very raven like. Tired of being the pawn, tired of working in the dark. I put things together from the others. Plus from Lauryn as well, we are meant to be here. So many things are similar to what is going on.
Walter at least killed who was to be damned first. I think that makes him more humane.
The place feeds on our negative emotions and I am not strong enough to fight it. What are we supposed to do? I don't want to become a monster. Yet I allready am twisted.
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