Apr 30, 2012 16:30
Day 3:
And now the tale of the First Mix Tape that mostly wasn't.
So the first mix tape I ever got was actually in middle school. If one were making a movie/tv show about those years, it would be incredibly awkward, but you'd find yourself realizing something I didn't realize for a very long time.
I feel the need to preface this with a statement: I don't do crushes very often. I'd say ever, but that's obviously not true, so we'll stick with "often." They're usually one-sided and they suck and all of this is amplified so very much in middle school for a variety of reasons, the least of which is hormones.
So. TV!me would have a crush on the guy who gave me my first mixtape and the viewing audience would be filled with "awww" moments while I was still clueless. We'd snark at one another long before I knew what snark was. Despite being fairly shy, I still remember telling him to "shut it" during an oral presentation which meant I willingly extended the horror of standing in front of people I didn't particularly know/like by an extra few seconds. We called each other by our last names for proper annoyance. Good times!
Thing is, I didn't realize it was a crush until somewhere near Valentine's Day when he gave me a tape that he said he'd made himself. And I thought it was a little random and weird but hey, free stuff. Tv!me? Totally cartoon at this point and would've been all "eeeeeeee!" or something along those lines. Real me probably had a doofy smile.
I went home and I listened to it and... I don't remember anything other than not particularly liking the music but I was willing to give it another go because I rarely like music people give me with the promise that I'll love it. Not on the first go, anyway.
But how, exactly, did this change your life since you clearly said the other tape was the defining mix tape, you might ask.
He asked for it back.
He asked for it back so he could replace the copy my best friend (not A or C) had lost mere days after him handing it over. He called my house for the first, last, and probably only time and asked if I still had the tape he'd given me, and then he asked for it back so he could give it to M because she'd lost hers.
So not only was mine a copy, it was being recalled. And the only reason it would be recalled was because he liked her. You can do your "liked liked her" bits now, but at the time I was actually crushed. (Ha, see what I...)
This was not the first time a guy I'd sort of liked happened to fall for her and it would not be the last. But it was the first that actually hurt enough to leave a mark.
100 things