Someone on PT requested pictures of various redheads together (specifically #8, Blaire, #61, and Maryellen) and I volunteered my Blaire and #8. And then the storms rolled on through so I didn't get to them until Monday and even then I was delayed because my brother was running late (is it late if he showed up when I expected him, not when he said he'd be by?) and by the time he left, I was feeling kinda blergh and napped. Anyway, poor HTA/#8 never gets pictures taken and Blaire had been feeling unloved as well, so this worked pretty well.
Plus, this way we can compare and learn a few things. The person who requested the pictures was wondering how well #8 and the various requested dolls would work as twins (fraternal) and I'm thinking Blaire ain't it for a twin. Maybe a cousin but probably not even that, personally. Someone else replied far sooner than I did and I think Blaire and #61 work better together, but they also do seem like same doll, different mold, even though Blaire is lighter. This is probably also helped along by the fact that HTA is from the 90's and Blaire's from last year. There have been massive changes between the dolls in the meantime, y'know?
With that being said, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Blaire's outfit fit HTA. Blaire's from the tail end of the cost cutting measures run, so a lot of things run small, but this fit pretty easily. The shoes (which aren't pictured or even being worn in these shots as they made HTA tower over Blaire) also fit, though the left fit better than the right. It's do-able, though not something I'd recommend keeping on for an extended period of time. While the pictures might make poor HTA look kinda sickly next to Blaire, in person they actually looked pretty close, skintone wise. Then again, the camera almost always chose Blaire to focus on, so maybe the laser eyes freaked it out. Btw, I think they photographed better than Blaire's swampy green eyes and I laughed for a good solid thirty seconds when the focus went to HTA's eyes, and only her eyes, for a shot. :P
Soooooooooooooo. Since I was already taking pictures, I figured I might as well get a shot or two of my #86 who showed up months before her backorder date. I've had her for a bit but haven't taken her out of her box until now and this is partly because I'm lazy, partly because she was kind of meant to be my birthday gift (her b/o date was the end of May), and partly because I had/have thoughts.
1) She photographs pretty damn well. This I didn't know beforehand, but it's true.
2) Her eyes, which are Tenney's brown eyes, are creepy as fuck in person. I think when Tenney first appeared, people joked that she was someone's custom Rosalie from Twilight come to mass market and uh, they were right. These eyes photograph really well, but in person there's just something a smidge... off about them? It's like they're the brown version of the green laser eyes. So I'm torn between legitimately finding them unsettling/wanting nothing to do with them and loving them for the weirdness. I never claimed my doll collection made sense.
3) She has the softest hair EVER. It is a bit thin but it's so soft and silky and I just want to pet it. I like the color, too, though I kinda wish they'd gone full blown purple. There's brown mixed in to kind of try and make it more natural or something and it's nice, but I'd also really love full on purple without trying to tame it somehow. It's still incredibly soft.
I don't hate the shoes, but I still completely understand why people would. It set a dangerous precedent for AG concerning their shoes (which used to be awesome) and a lot of people get just the doll and these shoes don't feel as special as, say, Ruthie's. But they aren't Kirsten's meet boots either, so we'll meet in the middle. The glitter does shed. I really love that the jacket comes with this outfit.
That said, this isn't an outfit I really want in multiples.
She needs a name.
I'm a nerd, so I like seeing how different the same mold can look between dolls.
I think HTA found a friend. Aww. ♥