Mar 18, 2020 09:54
TP desperation of the night: I finished ringing up a customer a little after 7 this morning, and as she walks out the door, the Lays guy walks in with his boxes of chips. (huzzah!) She comes right back in and asks, as she looks around, if that was a TP delivery.
No, ma'am, but thank you for thinking we would be that sneaky. At first I thought maybe he'd parked his truck somewhere else but nope. I looked up and it's right there on the side of the store. She had to walk by it to come back in based on where she parked. Desperation indeed.
Now, proof that hell has completely frozen over: First thing I heard once I'd clocked in and washed my hands? Come Thursday, the store is closed 9pm-9am. Our hours won't change, we just won't have to deal with customers face to face. Drive thru will still be open and we'll probably do a little light personal shopping for people, but holy hell, will it be nice to not worry about every cough... I mean, I still will for my coworkers, but I won't have nearly as many people to deal with. I gather it's a nationwide/company wide thing.
The only thing I worry about is that G gets bored as fuck already (I mean, not the last couple of weeks, but prior to that) but as much as she loathes stupidity, if this lasts long enough, she's going to long for it. We did a summer of being closed 12-6 when we kept getting robbed and at first it was glorious getting everything done. And then you started to go nuts because you can only do so much of the "company's coming" kind of facing before you want to scream. I tried to warn her, but I think it's something you need to experience for yourself.
Anyway, there's that. However, it does mean we've hit Waffle House/Walgreens levels of freakout because the general consensus in the area is it's not serious til those two close.
I do worry about my brother, as he works at a restaurant. I asked him how things were and he said he'd know more tomorrow. I'm hoping that since he's morning and not the late night shift, he'll be okay as I imagine they're doing to-go.
Oh, and one of the high school kids either quit or decided to utilize the ability to say fuck it, I'm out. Surprisingly, not either of the two I expected.