I believe I mentioned the other day that I'd finished Swatch-A-Thon aside from the three polishes that had arrived that day, right? Well, in a bit of a not-quite-fever-delirium, I decided I *had* to find something I was kind of sure was in my closet. One of the first boxes I pulled out? Had a fair chunk of nail polish. It did have my missing first bottle of China Glaze so that solved that particular mystery. It also had some of my Fergie polishes, though I'm going to have to see if thinner will bring the glitters back to life. Also, it's hard to gauge some of the colors because the box also had a bottle of orange glitter that apparently leaked even though when I took the bottle out, it wasn't open in any way. There's entirely too much glitter for it to be just whatever wasn't tapped off the top before it was thrown in the box, though. A mystery! I will say that a good chunk of the polishes actually looked really intriguing with the glitter on the outside of the bottles though.
So, yeah. This weekend, assuming my order arrives sooner rather than later, I'll be experimenting with the joy that is polish thinner. Yay?
Opinions needed! So. The fever-thought involved something I'd seen on Etsy awhile ago:
a necklace/bracelet/charm that you can have engraved with someone's handwriting. I saw it months ago and thought, "BRILLIANT! I'll get one for Mom and one for Ari's mom and one for Cass!" with the latter two having Ari's handwriting on it, of course. So I needed something with her handwriting. And I found it (though nothing else which means fuck if I know where my box(es) of letters are. Crap) and nearly cried because it's from her first month away at college and we'd quickly started writing back and forth and because when your best friend is gone, you need to absolutely cram everything you can into a letter, you use the envelope as well. So on them, we'd quote things and this particular one quotes Shawshank and ends "I guess I just miss my friend." And if you need me, I'll be crying over here but anyway. It occurred to me, as I was looking up which particular Etsy shop I'd originally saved, that Cass and her mom might see it less of a thoughtful gift (even if I also yoinked Cass's handwriting for their mother's) and more "wait, are you trying to say she's dead" kind of thing. Because like Ari, I overthink every goddamn thing. But if I did go through with it, I'd want it to be a surprise. What to do, what to do. Thoughts? Opinions? Declarations of insanity?
Ugh. Spring has sprung and I'm dying at the sinus hell. It's making me cranky and I want to hit almost everyone who is rejoicing over spring but also complaining about the gnats and skeeters. You fucking assholes don't get the nice weather without the pests. But if you'd let the rest of us have and enjoy winter, you wouldn't be a bug buffet right now, so shut the fuck up.
Yesterday I decided I would tackle the white bookcase in my room... and quickly decided this was a stupid idea. But then I realized that if I kept up the momentum just a little while longer, I'd get through my Sweet Valley Twins cataloging on LibraryThing, so I did. Alas, unlike my SVH cataloging, I wasn't quite as diligent about keeping track of different cover variations, so now I'm wondering wait, how many copies of this do I have (just in case you didn't know, book club special editions don't have bar codes so you have to type that shit in) and which ones need to be replaced and WHY DIDN'T I JUST DO THIS WITH THE LAPTOP, DAMMIT. The reason is because Cass called and also it was really hot in my room after awhile but still. So I'm going through and trying to remember which ones are which covers. There is a reason I don't do this for the BSC and it's because I do it for Sweet Valley and I don't have the insanity levels to do it for both... but I want to.