
Dec 01, 2019 14:25

I'm all mixed up today because yesterday was the first Saturday I've had off in more than a year. So I have no idea what day it is. Oops. Anyway, while I wait for my BBW box to dry off enough for me to peek inside, let's catch up, shall we?

Thanksgiving: I worked. I work most Thanksgivings. This year wasn't too bad, work wise, other than still being sick. The cold lingers. At home, Mums had a meltdown because she thought she'd gotten a turkey breast but instead it was a fairly small turkey. As someone who eats turkey twice a year, it didn't bother me a ton personally, but since she loves the nine billion days of leftovers, I felt really bad for her. I also felt really bad that she HATES doing the big dinner and since I always fucking have to work, my help is limited. Also, a couple of years ago my help got even more limited because I went from not being bothered by onions (aside from not liking to eat them as anything more than a flavor) to having my eyes burn from three rooms away whenever someone would start cutting them. Do you know how hard that makes it to help on Thanksgiving? Especially when my favorite part of the meal requires those bastards? I'm serious, the first year this happened, I could not fucking see.

This year wasn't that bad. Probably because I couldn't smell anything particularly well. Yay? Still, I peeled and chopped other things and cheered Mums on. I also found the bar so the pie could cool and the table. Since I did my work before the meal, I got to sleep in til maybe half an hour before dinner? My brother showed up late and with news that surprise, the next day he'd be dropping the cats off because he moved out of his apartment this weekend. I... sure. Why not.

Dinner itself was pretty tasty and I grabbed seconds to take to work. And they were delicious there, too.

Since this is also a big shopping weekend, I dabbled in some sales and have my eye on um, three more?

There's the aforementioned BBW soap sale, though I should've waited because they did the same price and a friggin' $10 off $30 and also eff you, company for not putting my points where you should. Woe.

I hit the KL Polish closing sale and grabbed the last remaining colors I was interested in: November and Lumiere because Mums fell in love with a similar color from another brand so we'll see if either of these do it for her, Aquarius 2, Capricorn, Mother of Dragons, Havana Nights, Unfortunate Souls, and Brick Sidewalk.
  They close tomorrow at 5pm, but $2.99 a polish isn't bad. Of the stuff still available, I can say that I was sorely tempted to snag a second bottle of Casino Night as I love that one. Medusa and To The Stars are also stunning.

I also hit up Lights Lacquer and grabbed their first LE polish Cold Turkey and grabbed Jefa from the launch collection just in case, as there was a sale and I've been curious.

In keeping with my theme, I also hit up Holo Taco as they too had a sale and I finally caved and snagged the super glossy top coat, Party Punch and Rainbow Snow from the Holodays collection, and that meant I got the Royal-Tea Blue freebie as well as the sponges for nail art. Huzzah. Their shipping prices hurt me, but their CS is excellent and I really, really want to know how good that top coat is.

I'd already previously hit up the Zoya sale and brought Elliot and Cosmo home for the cost of shipping and they showed up yesterday.

Tomorrow's sale possibilities are my favorite of the year: AG, though no one's heard a damn thing about it other than maaaaaaaaaaaaybe it just being a code like the Black Friday code? I kinda hope not because I like the random sale. Zoya's doing half off on the site already, but I'm waiting for AG to determine if I'm doing any other shopping. The third is an indie polish brand that I'm tempted by but will probably resist because the polishes I want most are the free with purchase... and that purchase ain't cheap.

Yesterday, for my Saturday off, I went to see birthday baby and she fell asleep almost as soon as I got there. She did wake up before I left and she's adorable. Before I left, she tried her hand at walking while holding on to people. I tried not to be too smug that she kept choosing to try and walk to me. :D I know it's just the novelty of me, but I do love how happy she is to see me. She was most impressed by my nails, as she tried to suck my thumb for me after staring at the sparkles for awhile.
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