So. Blaire leaked. FINALLY. Let's get a few things out of the way so I can fangirl properly, shall we? People are already complaining that she's just Rebecca with red hair. I can't really refute that but since I think Rebecca is gorgeous... I can also say that I'm 99.99999% sure that she's got the new green eyes and not hazel and I wouldn't be surprised if she has the new lightest skin tone so that would also be different. But mostly all I can hear in my head is "NOT CLASSIC MOLD. FUCKING FINALLY!" By which I mean that they have a redhead who isn't classic. You have to go all the way back to Nellie and most of the time she veers way more blonde than red. Otherwise all their redheads are classic.
*grabby hands*
Books are books. Cute enough. It's going to take more self control than I possess to not buy the Kindle version right after Christmas.
PJs, I guess? Based on the shoes, I mean. Not that sure on the sleeves as I think they need to be a smidge longer but overall I wants.
...I actually want this. I might change my mind when I can see more of it or see the price (which will keep me from buying it, I'm sure) but this reminds me of a more fun version of Sam's gazebo. Which I also wanted. But I'm gonna get real fucking tired of people calling this a she-shed.
This is the outfit that sold me on her, btw. Dunno why, but it's cute and she and Emerson can have cute similar outfits.
Previously seen lamby.
I need to see this in action before I can make any decisions.
Wedding stuff. Sure.
I wonder if this is her Meet Accessory set?
I hate high-low hems but I really like the color? Not super in love with the choker or the shoes, but I do like this overall.
This is probably her least flattering hairstyle but luckily the other pictures make up for it. Blaire. Need. Want.
This is the outfit I consider a swing and a miss. Not sure if it's the colors or the style or what. Something just doesn't click for me.
If you listen, you can hear everyone planning to steal this for their Kits and Melodys.
Might edit when my thoughts aren't split by hunger and Mom watching TV.