tagged by espirk and moonray

Oct 30, 2006 20:37

okay, okay... i'll do it. but only because you two tagged me!


Rules of the Meme: Write a journal entry for this meme with six random facts about yourself. Then pick six of your friends list and tag them - no tag backs. These rules should be included in your entry.

1. split infinitives in essays and practically all other written texts bug the hell out of me

2. i'm notorious for my procrastinatin' ways (thanks a bundle, Westmount Secondary School... and so sorry for this, my super Supervisor)

3. i love our new silver Honda Civic (he and i have become fast friends)

4. i'm a long-suffering *piner* over *everything*

5. clowns and mascots freak me out

6. i get ridiculously nervous & anxious when i try out a new recipe

Okay, I can't tag because I don't have enough LJ posse members to tag. Yep, random fact #7: I'm an LJ loner... loser?!

still recovering. need to pick up my feet, but lord i'm still tired! gonna watch Nacho Libre tonight!
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