i think it's because of the light bulbs.

Sep 26, 2006 20:37

...*both* the lightbulbs in my habitus went out a couple of weeks ago. freakin' frustrating. so last night i finally got up on a wobbly chair, tiptoed as best i could (without falling, of course--that would have sucked) and changed both of them. with much difficulty: i nearly dropped the glass dome thingy on *my face* and i temporarily lost the little screw thing that clamps the dome to the ceiling. i scrounged around on the carpet for twenty minutes looking for the stupid screw thing, finally found it under my bed (where else would it go?!), then managed to accomplish what i had set out to do. so yeah. the whole "let there be light" thing is pretty tough to pull off; God sure as hell had the right idea to start off with that creative trick because damn--it's deceptively difficult!

another good day today. a bit of a heart to heart with the Phan, another huge chunk of conference-work out of the way, some funny thing goin' on here and there... a kick-ass convo with Saikat about Christian fundamentalism, hilarity and exasperation with Ilona, and MangoPants threatened to be a pen-thief this afternoon. i like it when my day is both fun-nay and productive. oh yeah... can't forget the Wokery's wonton soup :oP

plus i found out today that ordering the minimum 50 reprint copies of an article i had written (for an academic journal that published it this past summer) would cost me a whopping $660 USD. FUCKIN' HELL. If I take advantage of the promotional code that was given to me, I only have to pay $540 USD. FUCKIN' HELL YET AGAIN. This is the disgustingly lucrative side of academia that I loathe. there's no way in FUCKIN' HELL that i'm going to fork over that much money for an article reprint. The fuck...?!
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