
May 30, 2006 22:05

first off, Happy Birthday, Pops! 54 is a good number, even though you don't look anywhere near that age yet!

...been a while. i've been logging on here and there for the past few weeks, but by the time the update page loads i just lose interest and hold off on making an entry. meh, been really busy and tired. but i'll update this time. probably boring stuff to those who are over and done with university... apologies for this; grad school has--for better or for worse--taken over a great part of my life these days (and will continue to do so for 2 more years... looking forward to 2008).

here i go...

-the article i wrote that was accepted for publication a long time ago is finally in press. it's due to come out this summer, i think. the publishing editor sent me the article proof, i sent back my edits, and now i'm just waiting for it to come out. exciting stuff.

-still planning for the 9/11 conference at McMaster that I'm co-organizing for this coming October. Work for this is ongoing, so I can't really say there are major developments there; we extended the deadline for abstract submissions to accommodate other things related to general conference-planning. i've started work on the final version of the conference poster. that should be in the hands of printing services by mid-June. i'm glad the NY Post photographer--whose work we're using--is such a nice guy, and was very gracious enough to give us permission to use a couple of his photos free of charge. The only thing he asks is that we send him a few copies of the poster once they've been printed. Oh yeah: Susan has agreed to devote an entire issue of her journal to papers presented at the conference. This is fantastic news, for many reasons--not the least of which is an additional entry I can put under "publications" in my C.V. Sounds kind of weird, but on the cover of that journal issue it'll have me and my co-organizer as the issue's guest editors. We'll also write an introduction for it. Yikes! Anxiousness abounds--and the conference hasn't even started yet!

-co-presented a paper on Jacques Derrida at York U. this past Sunday during the annual Congress for Humanities and Social Sciences. I was really nervous about 10 minutes before the panel started. I co-wrote and co-presented with Travis, a very good friend and fellow Clark-student. That was crazy-making because our Supervisor was in the audience. not that we haven't had him in the audience before while we've presented, but i guess for both of us the pressure was full-on this time around because both of us are his grad students. plus Phanuel, Emily, and Evan showed up for us too, which was great and wonderful of them. but when you're the one up there i guess you tend to freak out more because people you know will watch you piss your pants should the nervousness become that severe. but all went well, i suppose. david was quite nice, actually, because he sent us a "well done" e-mail afterwards along with some helpful tips for next time, as always. i was so tired by the time i got home that i just crashed. this paper is, by far, the hardest i've ever written. travis and i *slaved* over it for weeks, often putting in long hours during the day and coming back in the evening to work on it some more. i'm not really complaining; the work we did really enriches both our projects, which might sound odd because I'm working on 9/11 public remembrance and Travis is working on William Blake... anyway, yeah, it was all good.

-Ph.D. supervisory committee meeting took place recently. that went well, methinks. if they're extremely pleased with my progress, i suppose that's cause for satisfaction?!

-Bibliography course will be over this Thursday. Am both sad and happy about this because I hated the menial assignments/tasks, but loved seeing Andrew and Emily on a weekly basis. oh well. I'm thinking of auditing Donnie G.'s term II summer seminar next month, so I'll at least see Andy-Boy and the Phan every Tuesday and Thursday

-i might attend (but not present) a conference in Winnipeg early October. it looks like a good one. I'll have to figure this out.

-oh lord: the thesis-work begins.

life outside of school:

-just got back from celebrating my Dad's 54th @ My Thai By-the-Lake. No A/C in the restaurant, but the food was really good, so that was perfectly okay. The guy who served us was nice to look at, too ;)

-the sister graduates from Brock teacher's college next week!

-we're having guests over for dinner later in June! yay, another cooking/baking marathon!

-end-of-June Vegas trip is only a few weeks away!

-other stuff I can't remember right now!

this update is much too long!
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