Clean up didn't quite get underway as expected. I was called into work early and promptly started experiencing some odd flickering with my vision, then a blind spot in the centre of my left eye, then lost my left peripheral vision completely. After which, my right eye decided to join in with the flikering effects. Meanwhile, mild pain was building in my temples. Something in that combination of hideously loud noise, flashing bright lights and questionable smells from the local cafe triggered a sensory overload.
I called
muukau and asked "So. What exactly are the symptoms for migraine?" She reeled off a list, to which I checked off half. Oh happy day. By the end of my shift I'd attained migraine bingo.
muukau stopped by before work to drop off some painkillers, which strangely enough, cleared up the waves of nausea but did nothing for the headachy.
By the time they let me go home, I was feelig relatively normal again. I double checked they didn't want me to stay the extended shift they initially rang me for, and was told by my supervisor that she felt guilty keeping me there when I had a headache. O_o So why didnt't you say something before? When I was doubled over in pain, perhaps?
Thus, I went home to bed, and nearly slept through my next shift at the clinic. Mild pain is still present as is sensitivity to light. So
gwyntt and I cancelled our movie plans, and she migrated to my place. Much chatting and cleaning ensued. But I am happy now, I have a clean kitchen :D Much thanks.
I was going to update "The Cow Incident" tonight, but bed seems like a better idea. Stay tuned.