Whooooop-whoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoop! *insert other noises of mindless glee*
My trip to Europe has just been CONFIRMED! *dances* :D :D :D :D :D
As of this moment, I will be flying to London on the 10th of September. Spend four nights there before heading on a 29 day Contiki tour around continental Europe. In short, I will be passing through France, Monaco, Italy, Greece, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Belgium. On the way back to Australia I will take a one week detour through Hong Kong to stay with
jellydoggy. Scheduled touch down in Melbourne: October 23rd.
How. Fucking. Awesome.
Even the grim spectre of work could not diminish my excitement. Although, I suspect that may also have something to do with the caffeine. Having sworn off the substance for a number of months now, sudden introduction to the system has led to unpredictable outbursts and general bounciness. HaHA! I'm going to Europe!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
In other news, I seem to have been randomly assigned a
DeviantART trial subscription whatchamacallit. Although, I have no idea what to do with the thing. Sure, some of the features are interesting but I really don't use the site often enough to really benefit (or notice). The only feature I'd actually appreciate is the search function, which is currently offline due to server overload. Such is life.
So now, to top off this fun-filled exciting exciting day I'm heading out to see Sin City. A film I've been hanging out to see for nearly a year now. Going to be such an awesome movie.