I made a thing for composition class! This time my "theme" is making comic panels into single-page compositions in this and that way. Also something to do with song lyrics.
The Japanese text on the gravestone says something like "fond memories of childhood." Alex this is your chance to jump in and tell me I wrote "the nipples are on fire" by accident, but I understand at least enough of the words to know that I got a few right. Like "childhood." So I really hope the word nipples isn't in there.
Made entirely out of paper cut outs and ink! The cigarette smoke is made of tracing paper.
In animuverse, Hazel dresses as a yanki and Western cemeteries have Japanese writing on them for some reason. also shadows cover entire eyes for murderglare effect
isn't that considerate of shadows
Dude paper cut outs continue to be the greatest thing under the sun. Already some of my classmates have said they want to do it for their next project and I'm like "WHEE I'LL HELP IF YOU NEED ME" and they're like "GOOD BECAUSE WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU DOING AND HOW IS SWIVELING XACTO WHAT" and then I show them how the swiveling xacto swivels and everyone is like
WHOOOOOOAAAAAAA *matrix backflips*
swiveling xacto, my greatest treasure