To Build A Cat Piano Page 4: Now he dead from worm thing

Jul 28, 2010 23:31

I drew another page! Here are pages one through three.

What’s that, banana-faced scientist? You’re pretty sure you’re going to die off-screen eight pages from now? That’s rough buddy.

What’s that, banana-faced scientist? Your character design is the result of reading too much Tezuka? Silly banana face. There is no such thing as too much Tezuka.

Okay, now I can finally say it without jinxing anything: this is the fastest I finished a page so far! And then instead of celebrating I immediately taped up page five. Sigh. Someone buy me a beer.

cat piano, how to be an asshole: just ask snark, stop the slo-mo train i wanna get off, pros arch, help me

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