hi! totally not dead!

Nov 13, 2008 17:14

Here's the thing. I have meant to actually post things in my journal many, many times, but then I just... didn't. Part of it was that I really was kind of busy, and I actually have had quite a few things going down over the last half a year or so, but honestly, when I did occasionally have time, I just didn't feel like it. When it comes down to it, I'm a very lazy poster.

But I've decided that I want to get back into the swing of LJ things, and with that comes not just posting, but also reading my friend list! I find that I really have been checking it about one or twice a week, whereas I used to check it daily. Now, instead of just having one or two pages to entries to read, I hit skip=triple digits before I reach where I left off, which means that I do a lot of skimming. SO! I am going to actually check in on a much more frequent basis, so that I can actually READ what my friends' post, and I going to try to even reply to a few! And also, I WILL TOTALLY POST STUFF. For reals, yo. I have a whole list of things to post about, so I'm sure I can somehow manage it.

Also, I plan on doing another year of cards with mixes (my third time! It's, like, totally becoming annual! Yays!), so that post will be coming up soon. I want to really be on top of things this year and get them out earlier, like I accomplished the first year I did it. Last year did not go as smoothly as I'd hoped! So start thinking of your mix themes now, so that you know just what you want when the poll pops up on your flist.

To kick things off, here is a little something that I have been planning on posting for about - I kid you not - a half a year! Back in May, my assistant manager and I were looking for a new way to sort of update our Starbucks, and we decided to move away from the corporate provided artwork and start doing a monthly artist showing on our walls. We figured this would be a good way to sort of connect with our community coming into the store, and feature a lot of new and upcoming artists. To kick things off, I put up some of my art to get people to see that we were changing things up, and to let people know that they could sign up and reserve themselves a month. We had plans for updating the wall for art, but when I put my stuff up, there was only four spots available. We wanted to get more sign-ups first to see if it was worth putting the money into repainting and installing new art hooks. We got a lot of sign-ups, so we updated at the end of my month. (We now have artists signed up all the way through next year! Yay, success!) So, half a year after the fact, here are the pieces that I hung up back in May.



First Wife


I sold Oubliette, so I made enough money to make up for the amount I put into framing all the pieces, with a little extra for my pocket! I'm putting up more artwork in January, which I signed up for pretty much as soon as my first month was done. I really want to be able to utilize all our new art hooks, since I was the only artist who had to stick to four pieces. I think I'm going to stick to a black and white color scheme, but I'm going to go with paints. I'm really looking forward to it!

Anyhoo, I'm hoping I can actually stick to this posting thing, 'cause you know... lazy. But I'm going to try my best! Up next should at least be my card and mix sign up!

hello again, art

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