
Jun 16, 2008 10:17

tamalinn tagged me for this bookish meme!

1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open it on page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Copy the next three sentences into your blog.
5. Tag five [or more :D] people.

"The Meat doesn't know," repeated Macha. "Why would we give away our advantage in an early attack?"

"Because it would be fun," said Badb.

That's from Christopher Moore's A Dirty Job. I'm only about 50 pages in, so I couldn't actually tell you what those lines are about, although I might have a little bit of an idea. It's a really fun book so far, though!

I tag bop_radar, elandrialore, chopchica, storydivagirl, and vibrantharmony!

And speaking of memes, I actually completely forgot that I had made a Muxtape of the songs from this meme, so that you guys could listen to them before you downloaded. Here's the Meme Muxtape, and you can feel free to go back to the original meme and ask for a reload if you really want to download one now. I don't mind! *g*


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