(no subject)

Nov 22, 2006 12:38

Things have been pretty busy here - 2 weeks ago I went to CA for my dad's wedding, and last weekend I moved. I had one day, Sunday, to do everything, and we finished at 11pm. Since I leave home every morning at 6, and don't get back until right after 10, there hasn't been time to do any unpacking or cleaning so the place looks like a bomb hit it. Last night I felt ambitious (for some reason) and decided, at about 11pm, to put together a few pieces of furniture and do some laundry. What retarded demon could have possessed me to do that I don't know, but I didn't get to bed until 2am. Tonight my best friend, his wife, and I are driving to NJ to stay at my aunt's for Thanksgiving. We plan on leaving around 8 and I plan on being awake for quite possibly 30 whole minutes of the trip. We'll hopefully arrive by midnight, and we plan on heading back Saturday night around midnight. These odd times are ridiculous yet necessary - gone for me are the open roads and easy commutes of Santa Barbara county. Traffic around DC is worse than torture, because at least if you were being tortured there would be some pain to distract you from the monotony. And if you were being tortured, you probably wouldn't be surrounded by assholes in BMWs.
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