If you haven't seen it yet,
liz_marcs posted
this story. She calls it "The True Story of the Missing Jewish Women in Block 24":
And so, that's the story, the one I know is true, even though an awful lot of information about Block 24 says that Interesującą Kobietę does not exist.
But she did! She did! My mother knew her. My mother talked to her. My mother knew her story. And that's a fact no one can deny, no matter how hard they say it's not so.
More than that, Interesującą Kobietę's story is an illustration that history is never just history. It's a living, breathing creature that informs who we are as individuals and a society far more than you'd think is possible.
What was Block 24?
Block 24 was the Auschwitz brothel.
Go read it. Oral history often preserves what has not been written. If you know anything on the subject, offer it.
I just want to do my part by spreading this story. It seems important to keep these memories alive, especially in light of
that Harry Potter RPG.