Huge-ass long update!

Dec 07, 2009 18:45

Oh god, it's been ages since I last posted something long. Hopefully I won't get distracted and/or give up before I'm done. I have countless aborted journal posts like you wouldn't believe. :p

And now, a meme:

You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-word answers seldom help anyone out.

1) First Name:
Adrienne. Or you can call me Addy, A or OI.

2) Age:
24. God! 24! I feel so old and so jaded. Like. A lot of things has happened that have impacted me so much and made me more bitter in some ways. That people can be and are indifferent, at best, to things that affect them. That doing your best at anything doesn't guarantee others feel the same way. Just. Argh. I really wish 2009 didn't exist.

3) Location:
Singapore. Seriously, I could be anywhere but here and I'd probably love that.

4) Occupation:
Having my soul sucked away bit by bit. Ok, fine. As an Marketing/Events executive at a travel agency.

5) Partner:
None. Not looking anymore.

6) Kids:
If the opportunity presented itself, maybe. I love kids, a lot! (I teach nursery kids at sunday school) but the world is so fucked up and scary and to be responsible for that little person... so not ready for that. But I would love to see my dad with my kids. He'd be awesome, the way he was with us growing up but probably even more because he would *so* spoil them silly. :p

7) Brothers/Sisters:
2 sisters. I'm the middle child, older sister is 5 years older than me, younger sis 2 years my junior.

8) Pets:
4 cats (3 are tabbies and 1 is a full black kitten with 2 white spots underneath her) and 2 dogs (a sausage dog and a Jack Rusell-mixed).

9) List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
1. Upcoming month-long trip to NORWAY!! Also, I've been fascinated with the idea of getting a tattoo from any place that I visit and so I'm trying to decide on a design I want and the placement. I can't decide! :(

2. Family's moving house soon. Deciding if I should live with my family or by myself. I'm having such a difficult time with my mom and other issues in the house but maybe with distance and less exposure to her, I'll get along fine with her. Maybe. I don't know. It's not like I think they'd die without me but it's more of I'm just worried.

3. Finding a new job that doesn't suck my soul.

10) Parents:
Patrick and Karen. My dad's a year older than my mom and both of them are Aquarius. They fight, sometimes but the love they have for each other is so clear to everyone. They didn't have an easy time dating because my dad's Ceylonese and my mom's Chinese and in Singapore during the 60s', it was a scary thing to date outside of your race. They do encounter problems because of this, even today!

Anyway, about my mom. She lives in a rose-tinted world, to a certain extent. She's not very focused and sometimes logic doesn't work on her. When told something by someone of authority (pastor, church elders, tv, newspaper), she takes it blindly, leaving no room for other interpretations. She doesn't notice when something is racist because she's the majority population here so she assumes we are being overtly sensitive when we grouse about things. She's not very rational and sometimes, she doesn't get that she's the butt of other people's jokes. But oh, when that happens, I deliver a smackdown despite it coming from my uncles and aunties or her friends. No one mocks her (except her immediate family!) She is funny sometimes and the jokes she cracks is sometimes funnier because she said it. I love her and all but I don't want to be her. She sometimes says things that make me so mad like on the subject of my tattoos: "You have so many tattoos, how to get married like that? No guy wants a girl like that, you know?" o.O WHAT? She's just this super conservative traditional woman and so concerned with what other people think of us. Like if we are arguing at home, she would just stop in the middle of an argument and tell us to lower our voices, what would the neighbours think? Who gives a fuck what they think? I neither like nor respect them.

My dad is awesome, he's my role model in a lot of things. My colleague once said that I was a Daddy's Girl and yes, I fully admit that. :p We get along very well, my sense of humor is totally his. Puns and innuendos are our favourites. He's smart, witty, speaks Mandarin better than me (!! and I did 10 years of study, not counting nursery and kindergarten!), various local dialects and Malay. We have awesome discussions, friend-to-friend and logical. Family is the utmost importance to him and I respect him crazily. But he's sometimes so sure he's right (which he is, most of the time) and he has really close-minded opinons about certain things that makes me go, REALLY? You really think HIV started from monkeys? *headdesk*

A perfect example illustrating the difference between my parents is this: I'll discuss the gospel of Judas being found and its implications with my dad, leading into a indepth discussion of religion throughout history and I wouldn't even mention anything like that to my mom.

That said, they've been married for 30 over years and their marriage has made that the standard I judge my relationships against.

11) Close Friends:
1. Ariel, beigeist. We've known each other since we were 8 yrs old and it's been 16 years and I still haven't gotten bored of her yet. :p We've racked up hundreds of dollars in phone and text messages because the twit had to live in Australia and I'm stuck in Singapore. :((( She reads everything I write and pushes me for more, to aim higher, to do better and handholds me throughout the process. She introduced me to the wonders of Sandman, talked politics to me until some seeped in (:p), fiercely loyal even though I flaked out on her loads when she was still in Singapore. She's the Ari to my Vince, Sheldon to my Leonard, yin and yang. She's my sister, family, in everything but blood and we both don't give a shit about that part. Although we don't do mushy much. :p Oh, forgot to add. She willingly tried out Generation Kill even though she cannot watch people being hurt and is surprisingly squeamish about it and even after switching off the 1st ep after 10 mins, she promised me she'd try again. \o/ idk how I got so lucky but I'm never letting her go. :DDD

2. Mimbi, mimbulus. We met through the HP fandom and other than Ariel, she's my strongest supporter of what little writing I've done. I can't remember how we met but we're still friends, albeit in different fandoms now. She came to visit Ariel and I in Singapore a few years back and that was awesome! Our very first fangirl meet up! :DDD She introduced me to the love of anime and omg, wait! I just remembered! I still owe you a Gakuen Heaven fic, don't I? *hides*

3. Amy, ahmeemee. I met her through the HP fandom and we've drifted through some fandoms briefly since then. She's a great dancer and loads more amazing things. My next place to visit is Canada, bb and you better be ready for me!! <333 She introduced me to The Black Donnellys and wait. I didwrite you a TBD fic, right? Shit! I really rule suck at procrastinating, don't I?

They have all been with me through many years and through the ups and downs in all our lives. Also, all four of us were in HP fandom together, in an RPG. Man! That was awesome, no? I would go on more about their awesomeness but LJ has posting limits.

4. R, zarah5. From bandom then on to Merlin. Her emails and the Merlin snippets she sends me as she's writing makes me GLEEFACED! Fingers crossed that I may get to visit her soon! *fingers crossed*

5. Maggie, maggiebloome. From bandom. Met up with her in Sydney when I visit Ariel. First fangirl meeting in their natural habitat. :p

6. MY SG PEEPS! colourmeshocked, plumerri and unlurkster! Met them all for Neil Gaiman's signing and it was great! You couldn't get us to shut up man! We were all from bandom and then I managed to seduce colourmeshocked over to GK. plumerri has succumbed to the first ep. MUAHAHAHA! unlurkster's next!

And now some updates! I'm going to Norway for a month (my uncle lives there!) and I'm leaving tomorrow night!! /o\ I'm not packed properly yet and I keep feeling like I am going to forget something important! Or that I'm going to freeze to death there. :p And I'm going to be there a month. /o\ I'm so worried about my cats back here. My younger sis is looking after them (she can't go, she couldn't take leave) but a parent's job is always to worry, no?

I have converted loads of my fave tv shows to ipod format (GK's one of them! Duh, right? :p And Merlin S2. zarah5, I think this time I'll be able to finally watch it. Lol!), I've planned which books to bring along (Stephen Fry's latest two books that I bought at HMV with colourmeshocked at only $20 for 2! and Nate's One Bullet Away. Even though I have the audiobook that he read himself! /o\ I can't bring myself to listen to it yet I couldn't stop myself from d/ling it.) I'm planning to print out my fic ideas so that I can work on it.

My Christmas Wishlist and the call for your addresses are here!

I'm really in love with Adam Lambert's album. *draws hearts around him* The video and his AMAs performance are just. *speechless* My favourite song of his is Whatya Want From Me. Idk why but it's on constant replay on my ipod.

That said, Woodpigeon's Death By Ninja (A Love Song) is awesome! Look at the lyrics:
I went to ninja school
To learn how to murder you
With just one little punch

unlurkster, this is for you: Why David Bowie is unbelievably adorable!

Ugh! The post is all over the place. But damnit, I may not have time to check my flist until this weekend or later. Ah well, take care now, bbs! Don't break the internet while I'm gone. Also, anything of interest, EMAIL ME! :D Thankies.

Oh! If you guys want anything from Norway and its surrounding neighbours, just tell me. No promises but sorry, let me tell you upfront first that all the hot Scandinavian boys? ALL MINE! :p

meme, rl

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