Title: Bend And Break Author: Adrienne snarkaddict Characters: Tommy Donnelly Rating: Gen Disclaimer: I do not own any part of The Black Donnellys Summary: Tommy Donnelly rued the day of Jimmy’s accident. Spoilers: None.
And yes! It was awesome. I liked your take on why Tommy has always been the strong one of the family - I'd always considered Jimmy to be the leader until Tommy got his Mother Teresa complex.
Did I do it justice though? *wibbles* Had no TBD betas though Mimbi helped me vet it general suckiness.
And yes! It was awesome. I liked your take on why Tommy has always been the strong one of the family - I'd always considered Jimmy to be the leader until Tommy got his Mother Teresa complex.
*beams* Thank you! To me, that was the first thing that strike me about Tommy and his personality.
Hee! Have 2 more ideas for TBD fic brewing in my head. *G* Wanna beta them when I'm done?
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