The Case For John S. McCain III

Nov 03, 2008 06:05

Up to now, I haven't come out in support of any particular candidate for President.  Well except to defend those who have been unfairly attacked in my opinion.

But, tomorrow, I will be voting.  I will go through a great deal of effort to do so, as I'll have to fly back to San Antonio to cast my ballot.  I am serious when I note that I paid for my right to vote in blood and body parts.  I expect that I'll convince no one of my stance who doesn't already agree or is still undecided.  But, I've studied the facts and these are my conclusions based on those facts.

I'll be voting for John S. McCain III and doing so for the following reasons.
  1. Economy: 
    • Taxation:   Senator McCain understands that increasing taxes is a disincentive to business growth.  He has seen and learned over time that tax increases in a graduated tax system such as ours create a constriction of capital.  He also has learned that Federal revenue grows in an environment that encourages business growth.  He understands the point of the  "bar stool economics" that I quoted  a couple of days ago.  He understands, that small businesses are generally tax pass throughs and the majority of US business is small business which means that the business's profits pass directly to the small business holder's income.  Sen. McCain agrees with the policies of the Bush administration that led to the growth of small businesses in the US that were successful till the economic situation precipitated by the GSE failures created ripples that affect all businesses.
    • Tariffs and Trade:  I don't completely agree with Mr. McCain but at least he understands how free trade in a global economy is a necessity.  It isn't popular, but protectionist tariffs will create two problems for a floundering US economy.   The first, is that it will make consumer goods more expensive in a time when people are already tightening their belts.  Furthermore, the protectionist policies will engender retaliatory tariffs and policies against the US which will make the goods and services sold by the US to other countries more expensive, hence less desirable.  I didn't like NAFTA, but it's too late to be closing the barn door since that cow's already run out.    It's too late to go back and it will hurt us in a time when we can't afford it.
    • Government Sponsored Entities(GSEs):   Senator McCain advocated stricter controls on GSEs like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac back in 2002 and again in 2005 and 2007. 
  2. Energy Plan:   Sen. McCain's energy policy while nearly as unworkable as his opponents at least contain some more realistic aspects like offshore oil drilling and the use of coal (which allows the vast majority of the US electric production   Senator McCain favors more nuclear energy.  This too will provide for cheaper energy in the long run and thereby lower costs of production and of living.  He may even be willing to drill to exploit the large oil reserves in Alaska's National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR).  Current oil exploitation methods make this a much more environmentally friendly process than have been portrayed. 
  3. Foreign Policy:  Senator McCain has been right on foreign policy more often then not for over 20 years.  This is in stark contrast to his opponents who are either theorizing or in the case of the "foreign policy expert" of that ticket wrong something approaching 80% of the time.  Sen. McCain's national security record is among the best in the Senate.
  4. Healthcare:   The McCain policy won't make everyone insured.  But, shouldn't we hold ourselves accountable to provide for our own health and welfare as well as that of their children?  Sen. McCain's policy regarding health care will be less likely to cause the rationing of care as a "universal health care" system due to the kinds of changes in reimbursement that have closed so many hospitals in the US already under changes to Medicare and Medicaid to date.  Anyone looking at Medicare and other CMS programs will note that reimbursements have moved to a flat rate system that penalizes care providers and patients suffering from chronic conditions.  This same kind of reimbursement system would probably apply to universal health care.
  5. Gun Rights:  The NRA rates Sen. McCain as an "A-" for almost his entire career.  His opponent feceived an "F" for his entire political career.  Mr. McCain is likely to support additional regulation in the heat of an incident but his opponent is on record for supporting Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein's position that no one should own a firearm for any purpose and has voted twice against the right of an individual to defend themselves in their own homes.
  6. Personal Integrity:   I don't like Sen. McCain.  I make no bones about it.  But, I've never caught him in a bald faced lie or dissembling or evasion when talking about his life.  I cannot say this about his opponent who's autobiography is filled with material misrepresentations and outright lies.   For a politician Sen. McCain is as honest as they come.  He's kept his word throughout this election and in the past.
These are the reasons I'll vote tomorrow for John S. McCain III.
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