Title: Seven and a Half Years
edna_blackadderRating: PG-13
Pairings: Casey McCall/Dan Rydell, Sam Donovan/Dan Rydell, Sam Donovan/Dana Whitaker
Word Count: 4,536
Disclaimer: Sports Night was created by Aaron Sorkin. Given the corporate nature of TV, I’m not sure who owns it, but definitely not me. No money is being made from this, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Sam runs into a very drunk Dan and kindly takes him home. The next day, Dan wakes up with a disturbing gap in his memory.
Author’s Note: Enjoy a fic two years in the making. Thanks to
sarcasticsra for beta reading, encouragement, and helping my severely math-challenged brain crunch numbers, and thanks to
rabbitfics for allowing me to drag her into this fandom and inspiring me to finish this story with her myriad emails of episode commentary and squee. You both rock, and you both made this thing MUCH better than it otherwise would have been. Anyway, the fake cut leads to my fic journal,
Seven and a Half Years )