Title: Not Another Sports Story
sarcasticsraAuthor's website:
scripted_sra (my fiction journal)
Rating: PG
Pairing: None. Apparently I am only ever destined to finish gen fic for this fandom. Go figure.
Category: Gen.
Summary: The recent decision by the California Supreme Court to uphold Proposition 8 ends up causing, for Dan, a bit of a spontaneous emotional avalanche.
Word Count: 3,030
Disclaimer: All copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. This work is not created for profit and constitutes fair use.
A/N: So, I wanted to write some light-hearted, banter-y, Dan/Casey fic, and it turned into this instead. What the hell, brain. Thanks for the beta, Kelly.
there ain't nothing you can do to make me turn away from you )