SN fic rec: April in Paris by Sabine; Natalie pov, A/U; rating: PG-13

Feb 10, 2008 12:29

Author: Sabine (iamsab)
Author's website: Our Boys
Pairing: Natalie/Jeremy, but heavy on the angsty A/U Dan
Rating: PG-13
Category: Gen, romance, angst, A/U
Notes: Remixed from Roar, Roar, the Thunder and the Roar by thepurpleswitch. The author webpage above gives links to several of her other fics: Catchers, Drummers, Anchormen, Euskadi Six Hour, Pretty Life, Where Have You Gone, Tom Glavine?, Fan Interference is a Stand-Up Double (written with S N Kastle), Junk Novels and Player Piano (both written with Punk).

April in Paris (The Hemingway Remix)

post: recs, category: gen, category: a/u, post: fanfic, character: jeremy goodwin, character: dana whitaker, character: casey mccall, author: iamsab, character: dan rydell, character: natalie hurley

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