I finally finished my project started back in august. It's a skintone blend. My first skintone blend. Yeah... I tried to create a skin which fulfill my needs, so "Heat" set was created. Is it good or not, it's up to you.
Face details:
It have one issue which I can't solve - there, on shoulders, with some meshes, and haven't with others, so I don't know what to think. I blured this skin as much as possible, replaced .bmp-s with .dds-s in .packages. I have no idea what else can I do to fix it. So if you're fine with it and you like it anyway, it will be great.
mirror download Credits:
Mouseyblue skintones - as base (I'm not sure which exactly, I worked with 2 or 3 of Mousey's skins)
Pooklet - lips, theeth
Jessy(lovelyxwow) - eyelids, forehead, cheeks on babies/tots/kids' faces
CuriousB's "Box set" grey - eyes
Lilith's "Berry" nosemask - nose
Ephemera - fragments of body
Trapping for color actions